• Horton Local Centre, Pelman Way, Epsom KT19 8HJ

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  • You can call us on 01372 721749

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Meningitis ACWY Vaccine

Why Choose Epsom Travel Clinic?
We deliver private Meningitis ACWY vaccines, required for Saudi Arabia visas and recommended for sub-Saharan Africa. Our certified team ensures compliance with international health regulations.

Meningitis ACWY Vaccine

This vaccine protects against four meningitis strains (A, C, W, Y). Mandatory for Hajj/Umrah pilgrims, it’s also advised for travelers to the “meningitis belt” of Africa. A single dose lasts 5 years. Our clinic guarantees hassle-free certification.

Book Your Appointment

Get Meningitis ACWY vaccine at Epsom Travel Clinic prior to travel, especially if you are traveling to a high-risk country. We offer the Meningitis ACWY Vaccine at an affordable cost. Book your Appointment Today.

Get your Vaccine

Get your Meningitis ACWY Vaccine at Epsom Travel Clinic at an affordable price.

Enjoy Your Trip

Travel Safely and Enjoy your Trip.

Please call 1372 721749

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We will contact you within one business day.